Hey Y’all!
Automox offers a fully customizable end-user notification feature that clearly indicates to users when Automox will be patching and potentially rebooting their systems. This feature also allows you to set custom deferral options empowering users to control when their device should be patched. This gives peace of mind to system admins that their environment will be patched without interfering with their users everyday use.
Although this is a great feature, Automox recognizes that it does not offer the predictability to users to when the actual reboot event will take place. We are currently working on improving our current notifications to give users better reboot predictability. Automox has gathered a lot of customer feedback aimed to make this feature enhancement as effective as possible. The great thing about this is it will be built into the product and be offered in the same fashion as the current end-user notifications.
So, what can you do until this feature is released? The majority of the feedback we received is that we are great about notifying the user to when patching begins, however, once patching is executed we do not let the user know exactly when the reboot will take place and allow them to defer the reboot.
This level of reboot predictability may not be a requirement for you. If it is? Worklets to the rescue!
The below Worklet will send end-user notifications to users through the form of Windows notifications. The notifications are fully customizable, these options include:
- Custom notification messages for each notification
- Frequency of notification messages sent
- Custom reboot timing and notifying
- Final reboot message forces user acknowledgement
The policy Reboot Notifications needs to be disabled. This is so the Worklet and policy end-user notifications do not conflict.
The Worklet remediation needs some customizing by the user. Each value needs to be set correctly in order for the notification messages to patch the timer values set, otherwise it may not reboot correctly.
There are a few values that you’ll need to set in the script. They are easily indicated with the “$” in front of each. Here is a list and what they do below. Pay attention to the naming, you’ll get a sense of how the Worklet will flow given each value you set. Also, if you need any assistance setting this up I would be happy to help, just reply to this post and I will be sure to help get this setup for you.
$rebootimer (ex: $rebootimer=5400) - This hardsets the time until the device reboots, in seconds.
$message1 (ex: $message1={your_message}) - Copy for the custom message in the first notification. Be sure to indicate the amount of time in minutes until the reboot. This was set previously in $rebootimer
$message2wait (ex: $message2wait=1800) - the amount of time elapsed until the second notification is sent, in seconds.
$message2 - Copy for the custom message in the second notification. Be sure to indicate the amount of time in minutes until the reboot. This was set previously in $rebootimer minus the time elapsed that was set in $message2wait. Indicate this in minutes (5400-1800=3600) which is 60 minutes.
$rebootimer2 (ex: $rebootimer=5400) - resets the reboot timer to the time indicated in the previous notification message ($message2). If you indicated 60 minutes, then set this time to 3600 seconds
And so on….
As you can see, you need to see the reboot time, the custom message, and the wait timer for the notification intervals. The logic needs to make sense when setting these so it flows with what the custom notification says and what the behavior of the reboot is. Below is the evaluation and remediation code for the Worklet. This will help you get a visual for one that is fully customized.
#exit 0 if no reboot is needed
#exit 1 if reboot is needed
$sysInfo = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo"
exit 1}
exit 0}
$sysInfo = New-Object -ComObject "Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo"
######################################################### Start Parameters - Editable #########################################################
#hardset the reboot countdown timer in seconds (e.g. 5400 for 90 minutes). After this time elapses reboot command is initiated. In this example it's 90 minutes
$rebootimer = 5400
#set the first notification message copy. Include the reboot time value set previously. In this example it's 90 minutes
$message1 = "Automox will automatically reboot your computer in 90 minutes. Please take time to save and close any open documents."
#Define the time to wait until the second notification message is sent in seconds (e.g. 1800 for 30 minutes).
$message2wait = 1800
#set the second notification message copy. In this example 60 minutes.
$message2 = "Automox will automatically reboot your computer in 60 minutes. Please take time to save and close any open documents."
#reset the reboot time to match the time indicated in the previous notification message copy (e.g. 3600 for 60 minutes)
$rebootimer2 = 3600
#Define the time to wait for the third notification message to launch in seconds (e.g. 1800 for 30 minutes). In this example it's 30 minutes
$message3wait = 1800
#set the third notification message copy. In this example 30 minutes.
$message3 = "Automox will automatically reboot your computer in 30 minutes. Please take time to save and close any open documents."
#reset the reboot time to match the time indicated in the previois notification message copy (e.g.1800 for 30 minutes)
$rebootimer3 = 1800
#Define the time to wait for the final notification message to launch in seconds (e.g. 900 for 15 minutes). This needs to be in sync with when the reboot is scheduled.
#In this example it will warn the users 15 minutes before the reboot, so we set it to 900 (15 minutes)
$message4wait = 900
#set the final notification copy. The time for reboot should match the amount of time until the reboot take place
$message4 = "Automox will automatically reboot your computer in 15 minutes. Please take time to save and close any open documents."
#reset the reboot time to match the time indicated in the previois notification message copy (e.g.300 for 15 minutes)
$rebootimer4 = 900
################################################################ End Parameters ################################################################
### Commands being run ###
shutdown /a
shutdown /r /t $rebootimer /d p:4:1 /c $message1
Start-Sleep -Seconds $message2wait
shutdown /a
shutdown /r /t $rebootimer2 /d p:4:1 /c $message2
Start-Sleep -Seconds $message3wait
shutdown /a
shutdown /r /t $rebootimer3 /d p:4:1 /c $message3
Start-Sleep -Seconds $message4wait
shutdown /a
shutdown /r /t $rebootimer4 /d p:4:1 /c $message4
exit 0}
In the above example, I am setting the reboot countdown at 90 minutes. It will then send 3 more notifications warning the user of the reboot within the 90 minute with.
- The first notification will be sent notifying the user that a reboot will occur in 90 minutes
30 minutes elapses - The second notification message is sent and notifies the user a reboot will occur in 60 minutes
30 minutes elapses - The third notification message is sent and notifies the user a reboot will occur in 30 minutes
15 minutes elapses - The forth notification message is sent and notifies the user a reboot will occur in 15 minutes
After that the user will get notified 2 more times automatically through Windows. This will force the user to confirm before they can keep using their desktop. This happens at 10 minutes and again at 5 minutes. Below is an example of what this looks like
After that, the system will reboot. This gives the user plenty of time to save off any work before the reboot occurs. Again, you can make this longer if you desire. I do recommend that is kept under 8 hours as the agent will remain scanning during this Worklet and will not run any further commands until the Worklet has finished.
Here is an example of what the normal windows notification looks like on the device in the Worklet example above:
That’s it! You are now all set the notify user before rebooting a device. If you need any assistance with setting this up please feel free to reach out to me!