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Automox Worklets are a great resource to enable automation of various scriptable actions on Windows, macOS, and Linux devices. For a more comprehensive overview, you can check out our Insight Hub Article, “What’s a Worklet?”

Today, we’ll be discussing the top community Worklets to help you get started or get inspired to create your own!

Let’s take a look at five of our most popular community Worklets and what they do:

  1. Install BitLocker and Store Keys in Device Tag by JHagstrom
    This script gives you an easy way to manage any BitLocker keys for those who will want to install it through Automox, as an alternative to manually exporting keys or storing them via AD. Note: There are also some helpful tips in the replies should you move forward with setting up this Worklet!

  2. Copy a File to a Folder in User’s Profile by Tony W (Automox Employee)
    This Worklet was initially created for a customer that wanted to take a text file called “signin.slacktoken” with a Slack token in it and have it copied to users’ Download directory. This script works specifically to upload a file to a specific location.

  3. Enable FileVault on macOS and Recovery Key to Tag by Gary
    Using the above Worklet, you can enable FileVault on Macs and save the recovery key into Automox as a tag!

  4. Remote Lock Workstation and Change User’s Password by Jeff S (Automox Employee)
    Dealing with a lost device and need to protect important organization assets? Or maybe a disgruntled employee? The Worklet changes the local user’s password and immediately locks them out of the device.

  5. Install Chrome for Windows by Nic T (Old Automox Employee)
    This Worklet is as simple as it gets, you can quickly and easily install Google Chrome to Windows using the Automox Worklet functionality.

We’d love to hear more from y’all about which Worklets have changed the way you work! If you have some that aren’t yet posted in the community, consider adding them to our ongoing Worklet Catalog.

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