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ElevateUC software unable to install on Windows

  • January 10, 2025
  • 2 replies


Good Morning,


I’m experiencing a lot of unexpected trouble with what should be a simple Windows program install. The program in question is called ElevateUC. installer is 32bit and does not require any special permissions or license to install.

I ran “start-process -filepath "C:\Temp\elevate-uc.exe" -ArgumentList "/S” in a non elevated powershell and it installed in about 30 seconds, but when I try it in Automox it gets stuck at “pending” and eventually times out after about 30 minutes. with this error:

Standard Output: 
Failed to install Elevate UC 2.16.456 version 2.16.456. Please see installation logs if applicable.

Standard Error: 

I Tried the “EXE Software Installation (System Wide-All Users)“ Worklet and after triple checking the version, display name, etc as well as using wildcards it still does not work, I get variations of the error above based on using wild cards, different versions, etc

I can see it start the process (evaluateUC.exe) in task manager, but it just sits there

Vendor does not have any documentation but the only arguments are /s and /alluser (alluser prompts for admin to install for everyone)

Verified arguments are correct via Manage Engine as well as running it on my computer

Tried unwrapping to a .msi to see if that would work, unable to do so.


Installer found at

Best answer by MarkH-Automox

Hi Zach,

Is there a particular reason for using the exe over the msi? I was able to put together a Required Software policy to download the installer directly from the vendor (persistent urls are great!) and get it installed.
Long term this will make management of the app quite a bit easier.
I sent over the information in a DM. MSI Installers (32+64 bit) found here:




View original


Hi Zach,

Is there a particular reason for using the exe over the msi? I was able to put together a Required Software policy to download the installer directly from the vendor (persistent urls are great!) and get it installed.
Long term this will make management of the app quite a bit easier.
I sent over the information in a DM. MSI Installers (32+64 bit) found here:





Good Afternoon,


I was using the exe because that was provided to me, should’ve tried getting the msi instead, thank you that worked like a charm!


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