It’s finally happening - Today marks the beginning of our AX Worklet Tournament 2022! To kick off round 1, we’ve got a couple of powerful worklets from a couple of powerful humans. Below you’ll find a quick breakdown and links to both worklets, as well as a spot to vote (once the poll is working - in the meantime, just let us know with a 1 or a 2 in the comments!)
Set preferred Windows 10 version by
Crowdstrike Containment, Disable Cache Logon, Clear Kerberose, Logon Banners by @jack.smith -- Created to accomplish 4 specific tasks: 1) Network contain device using CrowdStrike API, 2) Disable Cached Credential Logon and logoff current user, 3) Clear all Kerberos tickets, 4) Set Logon Banners
Which worklet was your favorite of Round 1?
(option 1) Stephen_Wade - Set preferred Win10 vers.
(option 2) jack.smith - Crowdstrike containment/etc.