Patch Tuesday Rundown - April 2022

  • 13 April 2022
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Userlevel 3

Happy Patch Tuesday Week Y’all! 🤠


Let’s do a quick rundown of Patch Tuesday, then we’ll send you over to some of our other resources that you can use to tackle these updates. This month, there are 238 total vulnerabilities this month. Woah, that’s a lot. 😥 Here’s the full breakdown: 129 Microsoft,  2 Apple (out-of-band from March), 1 Google, 78 Adobe and 28 Mozilla.


Of the Microsoft vulnerabilities, 12 have a severity rating of critical. All of these are Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities. We recommend you patch these within 72 hours. For Apple, we highlighted the two out-of-band zero days that they patched in March. We wrote more about that in our blog, but we recommend patching this within 72 hours as well.


Google’s vulnerability this month for Chrome V8 Javascript engine has been actively exploited. Since Chrome is also so popular and widely used, we recommend prioritizing this update. Adobe released updates for Acrobat and Reader, Commerce, After Effects, and Photoshop, fixing a total of 78 vulnerabilities across the four products.


For more info you can check out our blog, or our Patch Tuesday Response Center.


Bye y’all!

Jessica Starkey | Technical Marketing Engineer


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