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  • January 14, 2021
  • 6 replies

I have a couple of reporting questions:

  1. Do we have a method to see if a device has opted to defer an update or reboot?

  2. I receive weekly summary updated, but that report doesn’t have the ability to drill down. Is there a way to see this same type of information (outstanding patches by groups and time they have been available)?

  3. Is there a way to view the history of patches/updates to include dates when applied?

Thank you,



6 replies

  • Rookie
  • 2 replies
  • January 15, 2021

They Brad, The unfortunate truth is that the reporting aspect of Automox leaves a lot to be desired. They’re getting better at it, (software reporting has been updated) but reporting around patches installed, when and “the like” is just not there (at least I don’t see it on my end). What I end up doing is taking the activity log after a patch session and working with that.

I hope it gets better over time as reporting for the sake of compliance and transparency is something that is critical, at least to me. I do hope that it gets better before my renewal later this year. One thing I give them is the fact that they provide an public road map. You may want to check it out.

On an even more positive note, their support team is great.

  • Author
  • Novice
  • 8 replies
  • January 18, 2021

Thanks Zig. I agree, reporting is pretty weak and it needs to improve significantly and quickly. It’s a very easy tool to use, but that won’t be enough to overlook the gaping hole in reporting capabilities.

  • Power User
  • 31 replies
  • January 20, 2021

I too really need a better way for my teams to get a report on what machines are falling behind so it can be actioned for compliance. Patch aging report. Pending patches 40,60,90+ days old by criticality.

Ideally emailed to auto-generate a ticket for audit purposes and track progress

Machine Name

Patch Name

Patch Release Date


  • Pro
  • 40 replies
  • January 22, 2021

Hey there, I pinged our support team and got some answers for your questions -

  1. Do we have a method to see if a device has opted to defer an update or reboot? Unfortunately there’s not a way for you to see this and not an easy way to generate the report on our side, but our team can validate the response on a per endpoint bases though if you wanted help in seeing what the user responded with.

  2. I receive weekly summary updated, but that report doesn’t have the ability to drill down. Is there a way to see this same type of information (outstanding patches by groups and time they have been available)? There is but through the prepatch report. This will allow the users to see what patches are available based on their policies and when they were available. Mind you this will only be based on the policies attached to the system and will not show patches that are available but do not meet the requirements for the policies attached.

  3. Is there a way to view the history of patches/updates to include dates when applied? The activity report is really the only way to get this kind of information and it will list all patches attempted to be applied and you cant search that natively for a specific patch but you can export it and pull out the data that way.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions! We’re happy to help.

  • Rookie
  • 2 replies
  • January 22, 2021

The raw log is great, but a report builder with meaningful data that you’re able to filter in/out would be even better. I could be wrong, but presenting a report in excel, for example, would not be acceptable for any sort of compliance/audit.

  • Author
  • Novice
  • 8 replies
  • January 22, 2021

Thank you.

Unfortunately Zig is correct and that effectively means none of the three requests are functionally available currently.


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