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New swag coming - Automox socks

  • 12 February 2020
  • 17 replies

These are just the samples, but we’ll have boxes of them soon!


Score, still love my Sophos socks now gotta get these.

Sweet, have been wearing my Automox shirt for about a week now… it’s soft 🤩

At least with the socks I can switch between the two for my one foot… Ha Ha Ha 😅 🤣 😂

I must have socks!

Sad news, I’m afraid. Apparently the supplier ran out of black thread so we’re going to have to go with a different design for them to make our deadline, as the socks are for a particular event. Stay tuned for the next sock version once they send us another sample.

Who knew Automox would have its first scandal already.

I was here for SockGate and I remember.

now we need a SockGate badge


Ok crisis averted. We’re going to use the existing design, but with navy thread to replace the black thread.

I don’t care about the color, I just want the socks.

I’ll make sure to save you a pair!

SockGate averted!

Thanks, Nic

Sockgate 2020.

Never forget.

NEVER forget that fateful day when our minds had to cope with the possibility that someday in the future our footsies may have gone unhugged due to a fabric mishap.


dim, you are so dramatic

I HAVE NEVER BEEN DRAMATIC IN MY LIFE. I am very quiet and reserved. Extremely professional and highly intelligent as well. I also have perfect hair.

you made my point for me, thank you lol