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I was unable to find any information on Lansweeper's deployment page or on Automox on deploying the Automox agent using the Lansweeper deployment tool. This deployment package will install, and can also assign the device to the group you want. Below is how I have mine set up.


Action - Installer

Step Name - Install (or whatever you want to name it.)

Install File - {PackageShare}\installers\Automox_Installer-2.0.28.msi (Or when you placed the installer.)

Parameters - ACCESSKEY=YOURACCESSKEY GROUP="Default Group/Group you want to assign it to"

MSI Options - Install, No Restart, Quiet

This will populate the result command, so below is a preview of my Result command.

msiexec.exe /i "{PackageShare}\installers\Automox_Installer-2.0.28.msi" /norestart /qn ACCESSKEY=********-****-****-****-************ GROUP="Default Group/City Computers"


The part for GROUP, will be the Parent group that you have set up, and then the name of the second group. Mine is still Default Group, and then the other group name is City Computers. I created multiple deployment packages and changed the group names for each group I have created. After running the deployment package on multiple devices and servers, they all have shown up and were placed in the correct group. Hope this helps!

Thank you,




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