I am trying to install MSI file using automox.
unfortunately everything I try fails exept executing the MSI install from BAT file.
If I place the MSI command in a BAT file the deployment works correctly.
Here is the BAT file command which works for deployment using automox:
QuickCardSetup.msi /qb tclientkey=ClientKeyHere
then in automox I have:
return $(Start-Process “cmd.exe” “/c quickcard.bat” -Passthru -Wait).ExitCode
if I try to do the same using powershell the execution will eventually time out:
exit(Start-Process -FilePath ‘msiexec.exe’ -ArgumentList (’/qb’, ‘’“QuickCardSetup.msi” “tclientkey=ClientKeyHere”’) -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode
I have tried different arguments without any luck /i /qn
Not sure what I am missing.
Any help is appreciated.