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Worklet: workaround for CVE-2020-16898

In this worklet we check if a host is possibly vulnerable for CVE-2020-16898 based on the OS version and the installation status of the patch. If the patch is not installed the workaround is implemented.

For more info check:

The only manual task is to later revert this change when the patch is applied.

Evaluation code:

#define osversion number
$osversion = (get-itemproperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" -Name ReleaseId).ReleaseId

#define KB Number and check for presence

$1709 = 'KB4580328'
$1803 = 'KB4580330'
$1809 = 'KB4577668'
$1903 = 'KB4577671'
$2004 = 'KB4579311'

#Check applicable OS version and installation of patch

if ($osversion -eq '1709'){ 
	$patched1 = Get-Hotfix -Id $1709 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
elseif ($osversion -eq '1803'){ 
	$patched2 = Get-Hotfix -Id $1803 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
elseif ($osversion -eq '1809'){ 
	$patched3 = Get-Hotfix -Id $1809 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
elseif ($osversion -eq '1903'){ 
	$patched4 = Get-Hotfix -Id $1903 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
elseif ($osversion -eq '2004'){ 
	$patched5 = Get-Hotfix -Id $2004 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

#if KB is not installed continue to check if workaround is applied
if ($? -eq "True")
{Write-Output "patch installed"
exit 0}
else {
Write-Output "patch not installed"

#define interface numbers
$INTERFACENUMBER=(Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily IPv6).ifIndex

#determine if workaround has already been applied if already applied exit 0
Foreach ($interface in $INTERFACENUMBER)
$output = (netsh int ipv6 show int "$interface")[-3]
if ($output -eq 'RA Based DNS Config (RFC 6106)     : enabled'){
Write-Output "Workaround required"}
else {
exit 0 

Remediation code

$INTERFACENUMBER=(Get-NetIPInterface -AddressFamily IPv6).ifIndex
Foreach ($interface in $INTERFACENUMBER)
$output = netsh int ipv6 set int $interface rabaseddnsconfig=disable 
if ($output -eq 'Ok.'){Write-Output "Workaround aplied on ifindex $interface"
else {Write-Output "something went wrong" 

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