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Worklet: Install Powershell 5.1 on Windows 7 via Chocolatey

  • May 4, 2020
  • 1 reply

Noticed that Windows 7 devices (with the extended support update) weren’t showing software inventory in Automox. After working with Automox support, they discovered that Windows 7 devices need Powershell 5 (supposedly they’ll have a fix for Windows 7 devices soon). I attempted to use the Microsoft provided powershell script to install Windows Management Framework 5.1 (KB3191566) (which installs powershell 5 on Windows 7), but couldn’t get it to run consistently. Tried installing chocolatey and then running ‘choco install powershell’ and it worked consistently.

So that’s what this script does: installs chocolatey offline and then runs ‘choco install powershell’ on Windows 7 machines. It isn’t pretty, but it works. Would appreciate someone with actual Powershell experience/skills to clean up.


[string]$ThisPackagePSHVersion = '5.1.14409.1005'

if ($PSVersionTable -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [Version]$ThisPackagePSHVersion)) {

	    Write-Warning "PowerShell version, $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion), is already installed."

        exit 0


    else {

        # Powershell 5.1 is not installed, run remediation script

        exit 1



# Modified from Chocolatey Offline installation. 


# This script installs Chocolatey and then runs the Windows  

# Management Framework 5.1 installation in order to install 

# Powershell 5.1 on Windows 7 devices. Could not get the MS provided 

# powershell script for KB3191566 to work consistently 

# (hangs, high memory usage, etc);but 'choco install powershell' 

# seemed to work consistently.

# Tried just using bypass, but unrestricted allowed consistent usage. 

# Reset to restricted at the end

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted;

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;

# Set variables

$localPath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath('.\')

$package ='chocolatey.0.10.15.nupkg'

$localChocolateyPackageFilePath = Join-Path $localPath $package

$ChocoInstallPath = "$($env:SystemDrive)\ProgramData\Chocolatey\bin"

$unzipMethod = "7zip"

$7zP = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath('.\')

$7z = "7za.exe"

$7zipUrl = ''

$7zlocalPath = Join-Path $7zP $7z

# Need to download 7za.exe and the current version of Chocolatey and add as installation files

function Install-ChocolateyFromPackage {

  $env:ChocolateyInstall = "$($env:SystemDrive)\ProgramData\Chocolatey"

  $env:Path += ";$ChocoInstallPath"

  $chocolateyPackageFilePath = Join-Path $localPath $package

  if ($chocolateyPackageFilePath -eq $null -or $chocolateyPackageFilePath -eq '') {

    throw "You must specify a local package to run the local install."


  if (!(Test-Path($chocolateyPackageFilePath))) {

    throw "No file exists at $chocolateyPackageFilePath"


  $chocTempDir = Join-Path $env:TEMP "chocolatey"

  $tempDir = Join-Path $chocTempDir "chocInstall"

  if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists($tempDir)) {[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($tempDir)}

  $file = Join-Path $tempDir ""

  Copy-Item $chocolateyPackageFilePath $file -Force



  # unzip the package

  Write-Output "Extracting $file to $tempDir..."

  $7zaExe = Join-Path $tempDir "7za.exe"


    $params = "x -o`"$tempDir`" -bd -y `"$file`""

    # use more robust Process as compared to Start-Process -Wait (which doesn't

    # wait for the process to finish in PowerShell v3)

    $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process

    $process.StartInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo($7zlocalPath, $params)

    $process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true

    $process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false

    $process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = [System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle]::Hidden

    $process.Start() | Out-Null



    $exitCode = $process.ExitCode


    $errorMessage = "Unable to unzip package using 7zip. Perhaps try setting `$env:chocolateyUseWindowsCompression = 'true' and call install again. Error:"

    switch ($exitCode) {

      0 { break }

      1 { throw "$errorMessage Some files could not be extracted" }

      2 { throw "$errorMessage 7-Zip encountered a fatal error while extracting the files" }

      7 { throw "$errorMessage 7-Zip command line error" }

      8 { throw "$errorMessage 7-Zip out of memory" }

      255 { throw "$errorMessage Extraction cancelled by the user" }

      default { throw "$errorMessage 7-Zip signalled an unknown error (code $exitCode)" }




  # Call Chocolatey install

  Write-Output 'Installing chocolatey on this machine'

  $toolsFolder = Join-Path $tempDir "tools"

  $chocInstallPS1 = Join-Path $toolsFolder "chocolateyInstall.ps1"

  & $chocInstallPS1

  Write-Output 'Ensuring chocolatey commands are on the path'

  $chocInstallVariableName = 'ChocolateyInstall'

  $chocoPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($chocInstallVariableName)

  if ($chocoPath -eq $null -or $chocoPath -eq '') {

    $chocoPath = 'C:\ProgramData\Chocolatey'


  $chocoExePath = Join-Path $chocoPath 'bin'

  if ($($env:Path).ToLower().Contains($($chocoExePath).ToLower()) -eq $false) {

    $env:Path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path',[System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine);


  Write-Output 'Ensuring chocolatey.nupkg is in the lib folder'

  $chocoPkgDir = Join-Path $chocoPath 'lib\chocolatey'

  $nupkg = Join-Path $chocoPkgDir 'chocolatey.nupkg'

  if (!(Test-Path $nupkg)) {

    Write-Output 'Copying chocolatey.nupkg is in the lib folder'

    if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists($chocoPkgDir)) { [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($chocoPkgDir); }

    Copy-Item "$file" "$nupkg" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue


  # running choco install powershell

  Write-Output 'Installing Powershell via Chocolatey'

  $env:ChocolateyInstall = "$($env:SystemDrive)\ProgramData\Chocolatey"

  $env:Path += ";$ChocoInstallPath"

  & C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\choco.exe install powershell -y | out-null

  # reset execution policy to restricted

  Write-Output 'Resetting execution policy to restricted'

  Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted


# Install Chocolatey

Install-ChocolateyFromPackage $localChocolateyPackageFilePath

1 reply

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  • May 5, 2020

Follow up - Automox released the update for Windows 7/Powershell 2 software inventory, so this is probably unnecessary unless you want to install chocolatey offline and still install Powershell 5.1.


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