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Worklet: Set Windows Defender to do a Full Scan at Least Once a Week (or Never)

  • February 19, 2021
  • 0 replies


This particular worklet looks for any system set to never run a full scan and changes it to run on Wednesdays. You could obviously alter it to look for a different condition and set it how you wish. For example…

You could look for systems not set to do a full scan every day in the evaluation and change it to do so…

Evaluation: if ($Preferences.RemediationScheduleDay -ne 0)

Remediation: Set-MpPreference -RemediationScheduleDay 0

Or conversely, if you want Defender to never do a full scan…

Evaluation: if ($Preferences.RemediationScheduleDay -ne 8)

Remediation: Set-MpPreference -RemediationScheduleDay 8

The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • 0: Everyday

  • 1: Sunday

  • 2: Monday

  • 3: Tuesday

  • 4: Wednesday

  • 5: Thursday

  • 6: Friday

  • 7: Saturday

  • 8: Never


# Determine if full Defender scans are set to never run

$Preferences = Get-MpPreference

if ($Preferences.RemediationScheduleDay -eq 8)

    { exit 1 }


    { exit 0 }


# Set a full Defender scan to run on Wednesdays

Set-MpPreference -RemediationScheduleDay 4

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