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API Endpoint for Activity Log and Overview Report



Is there any endpoint or anyway that we can pull the data of Activity Log and Overview Report using the API yet?

Thank you.

2 replies

I am also interested in the answer to this question. I need to query the log to find out that patches have completed installing, so they can be put back into the F5 VIP.

  • All Star
  • 168 replies
  • April 1, 2022

This is how I’ve captured the Activity Log for a specific policy going back 7 days. Want to get everything, drop the &policyID=$policy from the URL.

# Header info
$apiKey = Read-Host "api-key: "
$orgID = "Your-Org-ID"
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $apiKey" }

# The policy
$policy = "Your-Policy-Number"

# Search Requirements
$start = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) # go back 7 days
$start = Get-Date $start -f 'yyyy-MM-dd'
$end = Get-Date -f 'yyyy-MM-dd'
$i = 0

$data = do{
    $url = "$orgID&policyId=$policy&limit=500&page=$i&startDate=$start&endDate=$end"
    $response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers $headers).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
    $response | % {
        $name = $_.server_name
        $id = $_.server_id
        [pscustomobject] @{
            host = $name
            hostid = $id
            status = $
            timestamp = $_.create_time
            data = $
while ($response)




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