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Your Automox Console is Now More Searchable and Actionable!

  • Automox Employee
  • 6 replies

Automox is all about making the life of IT teams easier and that includes the capabilities within our console. We’re happy to share these recent improvements!

  • Starting with the Dashboard! Upon login, you’ll find new click-through capabilities within the Device Troubleshooting card. Want to go directly to devices that have been disconnected for over 30 days? Automox directly navigates you to these devices in the Devices page for quick viewing and action.
  • Speaking of the Devices page, if you look to the left column, you’ll find a redesign of our device filters with a more granular and intuitive breakdown of the devices you want to observe and the ability to fine-tune your search. 

Next time you are in the console, check out these new capabilities that allow you to navigate with ease and take quick action without the tedious steps.


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