Just Released: New 'Patch Operator' User Role

  • 4 May 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 4

Hello, Automox Community!

Vania here 👋 , Product Manager at Automox.

I’m excited to announce that our new user role, Patch Operator, is now available!

We’ve been hearing from users that they’d like a user role that does not have the ability to create or modify Worklets. For this reason, we’ve created a new role that still has full permissions for patch policies, but does not have “create” or “modify” permissions for Worklet and Required Software Policies. The Patch Operator role, however, can still run Worklet or Required Software Policies.

With the addition of this role, we also changed the name of the “Patch Administrator” role to “Zone Operator” in order to better align with this role’s permissions. 

Here are some screenshots of the new role:

Assign a user to multiple zones as a Patch Operator
Add a user to a zone as a Patch Operator

For additional information, check out our user documentation.

Let us know what you think of the new role in the comments below!


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Please note that the documentation is located on our new Customer Portal. You can find all of our documentation at: https://help.automox.com/hc/en-us

For the information about the new Patch Operator role, see https://help.automox.com/hc/en-us/articles/5385561226004-Roles-and-Permissions