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Great news for folks deploying the AX agent in bulk or individually. We will be enabling users to identify a target group with a new group parameter in the MSI executable via command line.


Groups will still have to be set-up ahead of time in the console, but this should help save time as you bulk add new hosts to your organizations and get them on policy runs as quickly as possible. Please be on the look-out for agent command line guide updates and other helpful tips for using this parameter.



We’re targeting early December for a release and will post in Announcements when it is live.



CC: @ncolyer


Hi Guys. This seems to be working now, hooray! For example:

Automox_Installer-1.0.30.msi ACCESSKEY=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx GROUP=“Default Group/Parent Group/Child Group” /norestart /quiet

Awesome, @vukko! I was just going to ask what agent version you’re on. Glad it’s working and hopefully it saves you some time.