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Weekly Security Wrap-Up (February 8th, 2022)

Happy Patch Tuesday, y’all! Don’t forget to head over to the AX Patch Tuesday Rapid Response Center for everything you need to stay up to date. This month is pretty light, but as soon as I typed that, there were onehunnerdbillion* infections due to unpatched systems.

*Possible exaggeration


IRS to End Use of Facial Recognition to Identify Taxpayers

It’s about d*ng time, y’all! I’m tired of constantly getting asked to pay Kevin Smith’s taxes. All joking aside, an IRS commissioner is quoting in the article as saying, “Everyone should feel comfortable with how their personal information is secured, and we are quickly pursuing short-term options that do not involve facial recognition.” [CLAPPING.GIF]


ExpressVPN offering $100,000 to first person who hacks its servers

Whoa. Welp, as secure as TrustedServer is, this is a pretty big flag to plant in the ground. From the article, “The bug bounty program is run through BugCrowd, which offers a safe harbor for researchers who attempt to breach ExpressVPN's servers as part of the program.” That’s a pretty huge bounty, and could set a worthy actor up for a nice little year-long hiatus. I hear Kapa’a is pretty gorgeous this time of year (all times of year, yes). 

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