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Security Wrap-Up (October 25th, 2021)

Hi, everybody - Chad here. Happy Monday to all y’all. As you know, October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so let’s get to some security news already.

Missouri Governor Vows to Prosecute St. Louis Post-Dispatch for Reporting Security Vulnerability

In unsurprising facepalm news, a politician doesn’t understand how technology works! It’s mentioned by the story’s author as well, but to me, the worst part of this is how it could discourage other people to report vulnerabilities. I’ve never heard of anything like this before, and I hope it’s a one-off.

It’s Windows XP’s 20th birthday and way too many still use it

TWENTY YEARS!? It’s fine…I’m fine. Anyways, why would anyone still use a 20yr old operating system you ask? I would ask too, tbh. But the short answer is:

Threat Actors Abuse Discord to Push Malware

Okay first of all, how dare you!? Second…no, I don’t even need a second thing to rage about. Leave my Discord alone! FWIW, that’s the app that did me the most good during quarantine, and I’m glad it’s around. According to the article, researchers found that “Features of the latest malware found on the platform include the capability to take screenshots, download and execute additional files, and perform keylogging”. Stop it!

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