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Security Wrap-Up (November 12th, 2021)

  • November 12, 2021
  • 0 replies

Happy Friday, y’all - Chad here. As you hopefully saw in our announcement earlier this week, we’re currently migrating the Community and are up to our n*cks in new platform stuff, so we’re only going with a couple of security stories this week. The good news is, they’re both terrifying! 🙂

Costco discloses data breach after finding credit card skimmer

Sigh…seriously? A physical skimmer got into a Costco? My card got skimmed at a gas station once, so I guess I’m just a bit sensitive to this one. That’s so annoying. Anyways, as you can imagine, getting your card of any sort skimmed can go real bad. I got lucky and my bank caught it, but man…I could own so many iPhones! “‘If unauthorized parties were able to remove information from the device before it was discovered, they may have acquired the magnetic stripe of your payment card, including your name, card number, card expiration date, and CVV,’ Costco revealed.” Call your bank, Costco customers.

A stalker’s wishlist: PhoneSpy malware destroys Android privacy

Another week, another malware for Android. This one seems a bit open to interpretation, as it’s only been found in unofficial (“non-Play Store”) apps so far, but it sure is nasty. “PhoneSpy’s functionality includes monitoring a victim’s location via GPS; recording audio, images, and video in real-time by hijacking mobile microphones and both front and rear cameras; intercepting and stealing SMS messages, call forwarding, call log and contact list theft, sending messages on behalf of the malware’s operator, and exfiltrating device information.” Hey, while I was typing this the jerk store called - it’s runnin’ out of whoever wrote this malware.

Finally, just a quick shoutout to our Patch Tuesday experts and all the work they put into it every month. If you haven’t been in a while, head over to our Patch Tuesday Central for all the latest news, webinars, and expertise. With that, I demand that you all have wonderful weekends.

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