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I’ve noticed some hosts, especially most of our Windows 11 Enterprise endpoints, will run into an error when trying to apply the monthly Microsoft Cumulative update. The error is a bit unusual, and I haven’t been able to find much on it while researching. The error doesn’t seem to be tied to any Windows Update service/connectivity issues. What is also weirder, is that these Windows 11 hosts report successfully installing this update the first night they try to update, but then the days after get this error.


I’ve seen this error on some Windows 10 hosts, but mainly on Windows 11. It seems to point to the update not being compatible with something on the operating system in some weird way. Anyone else seen this before?


InstallMSUpdates : Download failed with ResultCode 4 and HResult -2145124318At C:\Program Files (x86)\Automox\execDir135760191\execcmd584584594.ps1:1826 char:21

At C:\Program Files (x86)\Automox\execDir135760191\execcmd584584594.ps1:1826 char:21
+                     InstallMSUpdates $lst
+                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) fWrite-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,InstallMSUpdates

We are also seeing this in our environment in primarily Win10! Searching for a solution has yielded very little.

We are also seeing this in our environment in primarily Win10! Searching for a solution has yielded very little.

At this point I chalk it up to a glitchy or bugged Microsoft update release. Some months I get the error on Microsoft’s Cumulative monthly update, but then next month that same update shows as Installed. The update for 2024-05 seems to be taking on most of our devices. We will see what happens with the 2024-06 update i guess.
