August 2023 Patch Tuesday Surfaces MSMQ RCE Vulnerability – Check Out the Worklet That Will Mitigate it For You

  • 8 August 2023
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Userlevel 5
106 vulnerabilities in this month’s Patch Tuesday 

This month’s Patch Tuesday brings 106 vulnerabilities, seven of which are critical and two of which are currently being exploited in the wild to our knowledge. There’s certainly been plenty of discussion in the community in the past month around Microsoft Azure vulnerabilities. Today, we’ll focus on the vulnerabilities patched by Microsoft in this month’s Patch Tuesday release. 

We believe the most important this month is CVE-2023-36910, a critical CVSS 9.8 vulnerability that allows for remote code execution and affects most Windows desktop and server operating systems.

Keep reading in our blog, here!

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