Hello, my name is Robbie

  • 20 July 2023
  • 1 reply


Hey everyone,

My name is Robbie and I’m a security engineer with a background in systems administration and general IT.

My company currently uses Automox for standard patch management type work. However, the tool itself seems pretty powerful and we’re excited to learn more ways in which it can augment what we do with Intune and Defender.

I recently created an automation for vulnerability management that acts as a data mover between DefenderTVM and Automox with the end goal being automation of uploads to the Remediation tool for those use use both tools in conjunction with one another. The tool is on my GitHub page in case anyone has the same use case: https://github.com/wrgore/Vulnerability-Toolkit/blob/main/automover.py

Looking forward to learning from the community here!


1 reply

Userlevel 5

Hi @wrgore! We’re glad to have you here and appreciate you sharing resources! 
