Automox Worklet: Test Website
Every find yourself in need of testing a site remotely? Wondering if it
is actually up? Want to test it from the eyes of your users? This tool is
for you!
Can stand alone or as worklet!
–> returns test against automox console by default.
“loadedInSeconds”: 0.175,
“statusDescription”: “OK”,
“siteTested”: “”,
“serverType”: “nginx”,
“statusCode”: 200
.\Test-Website.ps1 -target
–> Tests a specific target you define. This works from your ps console
but most likely will not work for worklets.
“loadedInSeconds”: 0.1323,
“statusDescription”: “OK”,
“siteTested”: “”,
“serverType”: “gws”,
“statusCode”: 200
.\Test-Website.psl -verbose
Shows the hidden outputs for testing.
VERBOSE: Test-Website.ps1 Initial Setup, Started running on 10/02/2020 15:29:49
VERBOSE: GET with 0-byte payload
VERBOSE: received -1-byte response of content type text/html; charset=UTF-8
“loadedInSeconds”: 0.0772,
“statusDescription”: “OK”,
“siteTested”: “”,
“serverType”: “gws”,
“statusCode”: 200
VERBOSE: Executed in: 0 seconds
Q: Can I change the default site to something I want to test against?
A: Yes! In the Param section, change $target to whatever you like.
Q: Why JSON as a return?
A: I find it’s easier to accept that input into something else like
another powershell script or a different API or loggin agent like datadog.
Code seems to be butchered here - so I started a github repo!