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This worklet by default will install the latest, stable version for Windows 64-bit. You can also modify $Channel to install the Dev or Beta instead. Here’s the description of the channels:

You can also modify $ProductVersion to specify a particular version you want installed.

It has been tested on systems without any version of Edge pre-existing (ie. Win7) and on others that have the original version of Edge (whose end of life is March 9, 2021) such as Win10 v1909 & v2004.


$software = "Microsoft Edge";

$installed = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where { $_.DisplayName -eq $software }) -ne $null

If(-Not $installed) {

Exit 1

} else {

Exit 0



# Channel options are: Dev, Beta, Stable, EdgeUpdate, Policy

$Channel = 'Stable'

# Where to download the install file

$Folder = "C:\Temp"

$Platform = 'Windows'

$Architecture = 'x64'

# If set, the script will try and download a specific version. If not set it will download the latest.

$ProductVersion = ''

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$edgeEnterpriseMSIUri = ''

# Enabling connection over TLS for better compability on servers

>Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = =Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls -bor rNet.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 -bor rNet.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

# Test if HTTP status code 200 is returned from URI

try {

Invoke-WebRequest $edgeEnterpriseMSIUri -UseBasicParsing | Where-Object StatusCode -match 200 | Out-Null


catch {

Write-Output "Unable to get HTTP status code 200 from $edgeEnterpriseMSIUri. Does the URL still exist?"

exit 0


Write-Output "Getting available files from $edgeEnterpriseMSIUri"

# Try to get JSON data from Microsoft

try {

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $edgeEnterpriseMSIUri -Method Get -ContentType "application/json" -UseBasicParsing -ErrorVariable InvokeWebRequestError

$jsonObj = ConvertFrom-Json $($String]::new($response.Content))

Write-Output "Successfully retrived data"


catch {

Write-Output "Could not get MSI data: $InvokeWebRequestError"

exit 0


$selectedIndex = =array]::indexof($jsonObj.Product, "$Channel")

if (-not $ProductVersion) {

try {

Write-Output "No version specified, getting the latest for $Channel"

$selectedVersion = (((Versiono]](($jsonObjb$selectedIndex].Releases |

Where-Object { $_.Architecture -eq $Architecture -and $_.Platform -eq $Platform }).ProductVersion) |

Sort-Object -Descending)g0]).ToString(4)

Write-Output "Latest Version for channel $Channel is $selectedVersion`n"

$selectedObject = $jsonObjb$selectedIndex].Releases |

Where-Object { $_.Architecture -eq $Architecture -and $_.Platform -eq $Platform -and $_.ProductVersion -eq $selectedVersion }


catch {

Write-Output "Unable to get object from Microsoft."



else {

Write-Output "Matching $ProductVersion on channel $Channel"

$selectedObject = ($jsonObjb$selectedIndex].Releases |

Where-Object { $_.Architecture -eq $Architecture -and $_.Platform -eq $Platform -and $_.ProductVersion -eq $ProductVersion })

if (-not $selectedObject) {

Write-Output "No version matching $ProductVersion found in $channel channel for $Architecture architecture."

exit 0


else {

Write-Host "Found matching version`n"



if (-not (Test-Path $Folder)) {

New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Folder


foreach ($artifacts in $selectedObject.Artifacts) {

# Not showing the progress bar in Invoke-WebRequest is quite a bit faster than default

$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

Write-Output "Starting download"

# Work out file name

$fileName = Split-Path $artifacts.Location -Leaf

$filePath = $Folder + "\" + $fileName

try {

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $artifacts.Location -OutFile $filePath -UseBasicParsing


catch {

Write-Output "Attempted to download file, but failed: $erroro0]"

exit 0


if (((Get-FileHash -Algorithm $artifacts.HashAlgorithm -Path $filePath).Hash) -eq $artifacts.Hash) {

Write-Output "Calculated checksum matches known checksum`n"


else {

Write-Output "Checksum mismatch!"

Write-Output "Expected Hash: $($artifacts.Hash)"

Write-Output "Downloaded file Hash: $((Get-FileHash -Algorithm $($artifacts.HashAlgorithm) -Path $filePath).Hash)`n"



Write-Output "File Downloaded"

msiexec /i "$filePath" /qn /norestart

Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Remove-Item $filePath

If you want this worklet to only apply to workstations (not any servers), use this as your evaluation:

$software = "Microsoft Edge";

$installed = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where { $_.DisplayName -eq $software }) -ne $null

$osInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem

# Check if not installed and endpoint is a workstation

If(-Not $installed -and $osInfo.ProductType -eq 1) {

Exit 1

} else {

Exit 0

