This worklet will install BGinfo on Windows endpoints and run it at startup.
- You’ll need to get the installer file from here:
- Open up the zip file and grab the Bginfo64.exe file. This is what you’ll use as the Installation File
- The exe doesn’t technically install, it’s just an executable that you run to set the background image
- This worklet copies the Bginfo64.exe file to the root c:\ folder. If you want it somewhere else, just change the path in the Evaluation and Remediation code blocks
- Finally the worklet creates a shortcut in the Startup folder. This shortcut includes the /timer=0 flag so that the exe doesn’t pop up the interactive windows for BGinfo.
Evaluation code:
if (Test-Path -Path "C:\Bginfo64.exe") {
exit 0
} else { Exit 1 }
Remediation code:
Copy-Item Bginfo64.exe -Destination "c:\Bginfo64.exe"
$WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut("c:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Bginfo64.lnk")
$Shortcut.TargetPath = "c:\Bginfo64.exe"
$Shortcut.Arguments = "/timer=0"
Don’t forget to upload the Bginfo64.exe file in the Installation File section!