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Worklet: Enable Gatekeeper on macOS

  • August 23, 2019
  • 1 reply


Gatekeeper is a built-in security feature of macOS—originally introduced in Mac OS X Lion (10.7.3)—that enforces code signing and verifies downloaded applications before allowing them to run. This worklet ensures that Gatekeeper is always enabled on a macOS system.



# helper function to check if a command exists

function command_exists {

    type "$1" &> /dev/null


# only evaluate if the spctl command is available

if command_exists spctl; then

    # check if gatekeeper is enabled

    spctl --status | grep -q "assessments enabled"

    # yay? or nay?

    exit $?


# spctl command not available, move along

exit 0



# enable gatekeeper for all users

spctl --master-enable

# did we succeed?

exit $?
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1 reply

  • Former Automox Employee
  • 3 replies
  • September 4, 2019

Type is a shell built in. It maybe return something other than an executable program. Why not use which instead and get the executable path from that?

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