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Hi All, 

I was wondering if anybody tried to leverage Automox for pulling hardware hash for windows Autopilot in their company environment. i want to enroll multiple devices to autopilot but still little confused with pulling hardware hash for all devices and manually upload it to Intune which sucks. 


Thanks in advance.

Hi @Maulik_Busa 

You can get that right out of WMI

$hash = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/cimv2/mdm/dmmap -Class MDM_DevDetail_Ext01 -Filter "InstanceID='Ext' AND ParentID='./DevDetail'").DeviceHardwareData
$serial = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_BIOS).SerialNumber
Write-Output "serial: $serial"
Write-Output "hardware hash: $hash"

If some of those devices are already in Intune you might even be able to use a `Windows Autopilot deployment profile` and point that at a dynamic Entra Group that grabs the devices you want. Sure is easier than having to build a CSV file for import. 

Thanks for your reply @jack.smith,  Although i found a way around by creating autopilot profile in Intune itself and deploy it to enrolled endpoints in Intune. 
