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System Wide EXE to install KnowBe4 Phishing Alert Button

  • December 7, 2024
  • 1 reply


Hello.  I am trying to use the System Wide EXE Worklet to install the KnowBe4 Phishing Alert Button.  I have the worklet ready but I can not figure out where to input the License key.  Below is what I have entered in the Remediation Worklet but I need to know where and how to put in the license key.

####### EDIT WITHIN THIS BLOCK #######
$displayName = 'KnowBe4 Phish Alert Button'
$displayVersion = ''
$fileName = 'PhishAlertButtonSetup.exe'
$arguments = '/S'

Any help would be appreciated on this.

1 reply

  • Novice
  • 12 replies
  • December 9, 2024

Hi ​@jrankey, i would define license key into Automox Secrets ( and put it in the arguments with other parameters. Also Dont forget to attach Secret to the Knowbe4 worklet before running it. 


For Ex…

1). Create a Secret. (

1).Create Secret

 2). Note Variable Name for next step. 

2). Note Variable Name

3.) Attach it to worklet. 

4). Attach setup.exe and Define variable name into worklet arguments. 

####### EDIT WITHIN THIS BLOCK #######
$displayName = 'KnowBe4 Phish Alert Button'
$displayVersion = ''
$fileName = 'PhishAlertButtonSetup.exe'
$arguments = @('/S', 'CUSTOMTOKEN=$knowbe4_license_key')


5). Save worklet and test it on test device. 




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