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I was able to successfully use the “Enforce Bitlocker Encryption” worklet on a few test machines.

However, I am curious if anyone knows a way to use Automox to suspend encryption in order to run updates or how to simply decrypt drives with a worklet.

The idea of encrypting drives with a worklet is helpful, but manually suspending the encryption and decrypting the devices takes a lot of work.

Hi Bwright,

I took the Evaluation code from the Bitlocker Compliance check worklet Catalog template and flipped the compliance exit codes. There are a few lines that can be stripped out to make this shorter:

There is only one variable to be modified in this worklet.

$maxSystemtype: Set this variable to limit the maximum PCSystemType to evaluate. Currently the script is set
to a value of 3 with will exclude devices with a PCSystemType higher than a workstation (ie:Servers). If you prefer
to run this evaluation against all devices, then a value of '8' should be specified. Refer to the list below for
reference and change $masSystemtype as needed.

0 = Unknown
1 = Desktop
2 = Mobile
3 = Workstation
4 = Enterprise Server
5 = SOHO Server
6 = Appliance PC
7 = Performance Server
8 = Maximum

$maxSystemtype = '3'
Author: Tony Wiese
Date: March 19, 2021

####### EDIT WITHIN THIS BLOCK #######
$maxSystemtype = '3'

$getSystype = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).PCSystemType

# Exit if systemtype is higher than $maxSystemtype
if ($getSystype -gt $maxSystemtype)
Write-Output "Device Excluded"
Exit 0

#Get BitLocker status for All Drives
$encryption = Get-BitLockerVolume -ErrorAction Stop
Exit 1

# Count Drives and initialize lists for later output
$numDrives = $encryption.Count
$encCount = 0
$encrypted = @()
$unencrypted = @()

# Loop through each drive and see if it is Protected or Not
# Add to the appropriate list, Encrypted or Unencrypted
foreach ($drive in $encryption)
$encStatus = $drive.ProtectionStatus
$encInProgress = $drive.VolumeStatus
if (($encStatus -match 'On') -or ($encInProgress -match "EncryptionInProgress"))
$encrypted += $drive.MountPoint
$unencrypted += $drive.MountPoint

# Determine Compliant based on if the number of Encrypted
# Drives matches the number of Total Drives
if ($encCount -eq $numDrives)
Write-Output "Device has Bitlocker enabled"
Exit 1
Write-Output "Device does NOT have bitlocker enabled"
Exit 0

If a device is found to contain an encrypted drive, run the Remediation code and decrypt it (thanks OTTO):

# ======================
# Otto AI Generated Code
# ======================
# Get all BitLocker enabled drives
$bitlockerDrives = Get-BitLockerVolume | Where-Object {$_.ProtectionStatus -eq 'On'}

# Disable BitLocker on each drive
foreach ($drive in $bitlockerDrives) {
Disable-BitLocker -MountPoint $drive.MountPoint -Confirm:$false
Write-Output "BitLocker disabled on drive $($drive.MountPoint)"



Automox will take care of handling bitlocker during updates. You won’t have to disable/re-enable bitlocker around patch policies.
