Looking for a worklet that will install Rapid7 Agent with a custom token to link it back to the orgs insightVM platform.
The MSI and Custom Token
msiexec /i agentInstaller-x86_64.msi /l*v insight_agent_install_log.log /quiet CUSTOMTOKEN=us3:787e4f09-834b-48f6-******************
Notes from Rapid7
The command above and the MSI must have the same filename path to apply the token.
######## EDIT WITHIN THIS BLOCK #######
$fileName = 'agentInstaller-x86_64.msi'
$custArgs = 'CUSTOMTOKEN=us3:787e4f09-834b-48f6-a*******************'
############### MAIN CODE #############
# MSI/Script location. Joined with filename to pass a single variable to function.
$sPath = Split-Path $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
$fPath = "$sPath\$fileName"
$lPath = "$env:WINDIR\temp"
would the custargs work in this case or do I need to do something else?
like CD C:\$sPath\$fileName\CUSTOMTOKEN=us3:787e4f09-834b-48f6-a*******************
I’m shocked Automox is integrated with Rapid7 and their is no worklets out there.