I do have the exe installer from adobe and have tried to create a worklet but it doesn’t appear to be working
I tried looking through the catalog and previous threads and couldn’t find anything. Is there already a worklet that exists to install adobe acrobat pro?
I am posting the worklet I tried to create in hopes that someone could try to fix it. I use a payload with the setup.exe file. However this doesn’t appear to be working.
Any help is much appreciated!
EXE Software Installation (System Wide-All Users) - Evaluation Script
OS Support: Windows 7 and above
Required modules: NONE
This worklet is designed to grant an Admin the ability to install a (System Wide-All Users) EXE with minimal knowledge of the bitness,
command line, or other EXE properties. By placing an application name between the single quotes, the worklet will
scan the registry for the matching application. If the application is not found, it will return an Exit code of '1'
and flag the device for remediation.$displayName:
The application name provided should match closely as it is displayed in "Programs and Features" (Add or Remove Programs)
for Win7/8.1, and "Apps and Features" for Win10. Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications are not currently
supported in this worklet. Note: While this should work for most applications certain displaynames may require the use of wild cards (*).$displayVerison:
This is the version of the application you are detecting. This version information should match what's is displayed in "Programs and Features" (Add or Remove Programs)
for Win7/8.1, and "Apps and Features" for Win10. Sometimes developers use different versions than what's displayed. Please verify the associated displayversion in the registry to confirm.
$displayName = 'Power BI Desktop'
$displayVersion = '2.108.997.0'
Author: Sonny Plotner, Eric Liles
Date: September 1, 2022
#>######## Make changes within the block ########
# Add Application name exactly as it appears in Add/Remove Programs, Programs and Features, or Apps and Features between single quotes.
$displayName = 'Adobe Acrobat'
$displayVersion = '23.008.20421'
######################################################### MAIN CODE ##############
$unPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
$confirm = $NULL# Capture 32bit/64bit registry info
$hklm64 = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView]::Registry64)
$skey64 = $hklm64.OpenSubKey("$unPath")
}$hklm32 = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView]::Registry32)
$skey32 = $hklm32.OpenSubKey("$unPath")if([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem)
foreach ($key in $skey64.GetSubKeyNames())
if($hklm64.OpenSubKey("$unPath\$key").GetValue("DisplayName") -like "$displayName*")
if($hklm64.OpenSubKey("$unPath\$key").GetValue("DisplayVersion") -ge [Version]"$displayVersion")
$confirm += 1
}foreach ($key in $skey32.GetSubKeyNames())
if($hklm32.OpenSubKey("$unPath\$key").GetValue("DisplayName") -like "$displayName*")
if($hklm32.OpenSubKey("$unPath\$key").GetValue("DisplayVersion") -ge [Version]"$displayVersion")
$confirm += 1
Write-Output "Installed"
Exit 0
Write-Output "Not Installed"
Exit 1
EXE Software Installation (System Wide-All Users) - Remediation Script
OS Support: Windows 7 and above
Required modules: NONE
This worklet is designed to grant an Admin the ability to install a (System Wide-All Users) EXE with minimal knowledge of the bitness,
command line, or other EXE properties. By placing the name of the EXE to be uploaded, between the single quotes,
the worklet will apply the standard command line arguments to silently install the application with logging.
Once installation has been completed, the script will then check both 32bit and 64bit registry hives to verify
installation was successful.$displayName:
The application name provided should match closely as it is displayed in "Programs and Features" (Add or Remove Programs)
for Win7/8.1, and "Apps and Features" for Win10. Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications are not currently
supported in this worklet. Note: While this should work for most applications certain displaynames may require the use of wild cards (*).$displayVerison:
This is the version of the application you are detecting. This version information should match what's is displayed in "Programs and Features" (Add or Remove Programs)
for Win7/8.1, and "Apps and Features" for Win10. Sometimes developers use different versions than what's displayed. Please verify the associated displayversion in the registry to confirm.$fileName:
This is the filename, including extension, of the file to be uploaded into the console. See examples for more information.$arguments:
Switches you want to pass.
$displayName = 'Everything'
$displayVersion = ''
$fileName = 'Everything-'
$arguments = '/S'
Author: Sonny Plotner, Eric Liles
Date: September 1, 2022
#>######## EDIT WITHIN THIS BLOCK #######
$displayName = 'Adobe Acrobat'
$displayVersion = '23.008.20421'
$fileName = 'setup.exe'
$arguments = '/S'
#################################################### MAIN CODE ###############
# EXE/Script location. Joined with filename to pass a single variable to function.
$sPath = Split-Path $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
$fPath = "$sPath\$fileName"# Kicking off installer
start-process "$fPath" -ArgumentList "$arguments" -wait#### Installation validation ####
$unPath = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
$confirm = $NULL# Capture 32bit/64bit registry info
$hklm64 = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView]::Registry64)
$skey64 = $hklm64.OpenSubKey("$unPath")
}$hklm32 = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]::LocalMachine,[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryView]::Registry32)
$skey32 = $hklm32.OpenSubKey("$unPath")if([System.Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem)
foreach ($key in $skey64.GetSubKeyNames())
if($hklm64.OpenSubKey("$unPath\$key").GetValue("DisplayName") -like "$displayName*")
if([Version]$hklm64.OpenSubKey("$unPath\$key").GetValue("DisplayVersion") -ge [Version]"$displayVersion")
$confirm += 1
}foreach ($key in $skey32.GetSubKeyNames())
if($hklm32.OpenSubKey("$unPath\$key").GetValue("DisplayName") -like "$displayName*")
if([Version]$hklm32.OpenSubKey("$unPath\$key").GetValue("DisplayVersion") -ge [Version]"$displayVersion")
$confirm += 1
$hklm64 = $NULL
$hklm32 = $NULLif($confirm)
Write-Output "Successfully installed $displayName version $displayVersion"
Exit 0
Write-Output "Failed to install $displayName version $displayVersion. Please see installation logs if applicable."
Exit 1