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Install Microsoft Teams Commercial for Windows x64 bit OS

Here is an example of how to use the “MSI Software Installation - 64-Bit OS” Worklet template available in the Automox Console new Community Worklets section.

You will need the Machine-Wide Installer bits. They can be found here:

For this example, I am using the Commercial 64-bit version: 64-bit

From within the Automox Console, navigate to the SYSTEM MGMT node, and select the Community Worklets tab. Click on the “MSI Software Installation - 64-Bit OS” Worklet, and then click “Create Policy”.

In the Evaluation Code block on line 34, fill in the $appName variable. Currently, it is ‘Teams Machine-Wide Installer’

In the Remediation Code block on line 28, fill in the $fileName variable. Currently, it is ‘Teams_windows_x64.msi’.

On line 100 add ‘ALLUSERS=1’ to the ArguementLIst.

NOTE: Do not add the single quotes listed above in either code block if you copy-paste. They are to define the context in this post.

Upload your installer, and optionally define your scheduler and you are good to go.

The installer does suppress a restart. To complete the installation, reboot your machine, and each user will be prompted to complete the MS Teams set up shortly after they log on.

NOTE: Please see the link provided for the installer download for more information and options to customize your installation.

Trying to use this to push out an msi for my spiceworks program.

I followed all the steps and changed the 2 lines and added to line 100. Not sure exactly where to add that ALLUSER=1 on that line though.

uploaded my msi, saved and tried it.

I didn’t work. Also the device needs Netframework 4.8 installed, and I believe all have it from being pushed out from critical updates.

Where do I find the error log?

Any other suggestions?


On line 100, you will see this context

start-process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/i $fPath /qn /norestart /l*v $fPath.log" -Wait -PassThru | Out-Null

Add the ALLUSER=1 switch between the quotes somewhere (example between the $fPath /qn). Make sure to leave a space between the different switches.

The log is currently in a temporary directory that would disappear after the installer completes its task. You can add a new variable (example $iLog) in the variable block starting at line 27 and give the value of a path the system can reach. an example would be $iLog = 'c:\windows\temp\teams.log'.

YOu can then replace the variable in line 100 after /l*v (currently $fPath.log with $iLog.

Please note, this log would only provide information about the primary installer. This stages an installer that will actually install Teams into each profile after the next logon (possibly after the next reboot)… it is not the log for those installations. Please review the link provided above for more information about user profile installation files.
