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This is a very basic method of setting up an L2TP VPN using a worklet.

Change the values: vpnName, serverAddress, yourPsk, authMethod

Evaluation Code:

Get-VpnConnection -Name "vpnName"

Remediation Code:

Add-VpnConnection -AllUserConnection -Name "vpnName" -ServerAddress "serverAddress" -TunnelType L2tp -EncryptionLevel Optional -L2tpPsk "yourPsk" -AuthenticationMethod authMethod -Force

What needs added to the Evaluation Code so that the worklet doesn’t run if there is already a VPN connection?

Hey @bfrey!

Try the following:


# VPN Connection - Evaluation

$vpnName = "vpnName"


try {

# Check for connection existence

if(-not(Get-VpnConnection -allUserConnection|Where-Object -Property Name -eq $vpnName)){

exit 1

} else {

exit 0



catch [Exception]{

write-output "$_.Exception.Message"

exit 1


and remediation:


# VPN Connection - Remediation

$vpnName = "vpnName"

$serverAddress = "x.x.x.x"

$tunnelType = "L2tp"

$encryptionLevel = "Optional"

$L2tpPsk = "yourPsk"

$AuthenticationMethod = "authMethod"


try {

# Params Variables

Add-VpnConnection -AllUserConnection `

-Name $vpnName `

-ServerAddress $serverAddress `

-TunnelType $tunnelType `

-EncryptionLevel $encryptionLevel `

-L2tpPsk $L2tpPsk `

-AuthenticationMethod $AuthenticationMethod `



catch [Exception]{

write-output "$_.Exception.Message"

exit 1


try {

# Check for connection existence

if(-not(Get-VpnConnection -allUserConnection|Where-Object -Property Name -eq $vpnName)){

exit 1

} else {

exit 0



catch [Exception]{

write-output "$_.Exception.Message"

exit 1


Thank you for helping with this one!

No problem!
