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This PowerShell function will help you automate putting Automox clients into Groups. I’m running this during the imaging process so I don’t have to manually move new workstations in a specific group. The example shows parent group.

Function Set-AutomoxGroup{

$key = "Your-Orgs-Key"

$num = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 5

$group = switch ($num)


1 {'EUS Windows Group 1'}

2 {'EUS Windows Group 2'}

3 {'EUS Windows Group 3'}

4 {'EUS Windows Group 4'}

5 {'EUS Windows Group 5'}

Default {'EUS Windows Group 1'}


Start-Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Automox\amagent.exe" -ArgumentList "--deregister" | Out-Null

& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Automox\amagent.exe" --setgrp "Default Group/Workstations/$group"

& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Automox\amagent.exe" --setkey $key"

Restart-Service amagent

Return $group


$grp = Set-AutomoxGroup

Write-Output"Set Automox to group $grp" -ForegroundColor Cyan
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