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Sentinel One Install - Linux

There isn’t much worklet examples for Linux so I will place this here.

Thanks @ncaraway for Install CylanceProtect on Macs it was good guidance.

Evaluation Code (could be done different)


    #evaluate the device to see if the Sentinel One service is running

    #service running exit with a 0

    #service not running exit with a 1

    sentinelctl version | grep 'Agent version'


    if [[ $? = "Agent Version:" ]]; then 

    	exit 0


    	exit 1


Remediation Code


#copy the files to the /tmp directory of the device

scp SentinelAgent_linux_v21_6_3_7.deb /tmp

#run installation of Sentinel One on the device.  error logs are output to /tmp/s1install.log

sudo dpkg -i /tmp/SentinelAgent_linux_v21_6_3_7.deb 2> /tmp/s1linux.log &



	wait $process_id


sudo /opt/sentinelone/bin/sentinelctl management token set YOURTOKENHERE

sudo /opt/sentinelone/bin/sentinelctl control start


#check to ensure the S1 service is running to verify installation was successful

sentinelctl version


if [[ $? = "SentinelOne" ]]; then 

	exit 0


	exit 1


Place your token in YOURTOKENHERE

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