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I’ve taken the feedback from the poll we did here and worked with our designers on a wireframe of what the new community would look like. If you can take a look at that and let me know what you think, I’d appreciate it!

Not gonna lie - I really like the layout. It’s got about 90% of what I’d be looking for all in one place and despite the plethora of information it’s really not too busy.

The only things I would add would be:

  • Autoplaying music and videos with no way to close them

  • Text marquees with links and make the text yellow and have it scroll super fast

  • A glittery moving background to remind us of Myspace

  • Pop up ads

I still mourn the death of the blink and marquee tags. Also, I’m thinking of adding an “under construction” sign - what do you think?


I would just make sure to include like 20 of them, one right after another, just so we can be 100% positive that visitors see it.

ALSO, we should have a digital watchface looking website ticker to show how many visits

Ooh, I’d forgotten about those. We also need to team up with some other patch vendors and make a web ring!

Can we also have a section of the site for pokemon codes??? Maybe some final fantasy fan fictions too? And I know flash is “dying” or whatever but have you considered adding in some flash content to the website??

This guy has already done all the heavy lifting for us:

(make sure you have sound on!)

That background makes my eyes bleed!

I think I’m going to be sick… 🤢

For the Community page, what content are you putting in the “Weekly Leaders” section?

It would be a smaller version of this page, with employees filtered out:

For those playing along at home, we now have the first pass at the color version of the homepage. Our contractor is going to start building it this month so we should be able to launch this by the end of the year (fingers crossed):

Love the layout! A little late to this thread, but the info on here looks like it will provide everything in one place.

My 1 question would be: Will there be a dark mode option?

Dark Mode please 🙂

+1. I always prefer dark mode.

Yup we’ll have a light and dark mode option, just like we do now, and you’ll be able to toggle that on your preferences page. I’ll default to dark just like how we do now.

Here’s the mockup of the dark mode version:

Ok we are live! Please let me know if you have any feedback on the layout, design, or content:
