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What are your plans for Windows 7 end of life?

Windows 7 is going end of life on Jan 14, 2020, so you’ve got a little over a month to upgrade those last few machines in your company.

Automox will continue to patch your Windows 7 third party software and support the agent on Windows 7, but Microsoft will only release Windows 7 OS & security patches for those of you who purchase very expensive extended support. Here’s their FAQ on the subject:

If you need help finding those last few Windows 7 boxes, you can use Automox to help track them down by sorting by OS Version on the Devices page. Note that with the 11/27/19 release, we now sort the entire data set and not page by page, which makes this process easier.

How many of you still have machines left to upgrade, and if so, how many?

And someone has already hacked the extended update system:

Looks like the NHS is going to be giving Microsoft forkloads of cash for the extended updates. They’ve got hundreds of thousands of Win7 machines still:

Here’s our blog post on the matter:

In case you want to remind your managers…

One week left!

Not worried one bit about it because we’re using a superior operating system in Windows ME.

You are truly a wise man.

I get that a lot.

Taking Apples old security through obscurity to the Windows equivalent extreme, I see.

LOL, genius 🙂

The day is here!

