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What are the most common issues you run into with Automox?

  • 4 October 2019
  • 30 replies

What are the sticking points and issues you run into when deploying or using Automox? This info helps us document workarounds and prioritize bug fixes.

I haven’t created a ticket about it, no. Mainly because it doesn’t prevent it from working properly. Even if the status says Rebooting, I can still patch it successfully via the portal. And then usually it fixes itself. I’ll create a case once I get some extra time.

Thanks! Knowing the scope of the problem helps us prioritize fixes better, so that the most annoying bugs get squashed first.

I have seen that behavior on some endpoints too. Its not all devices but I would say at any given time 5% of the devices are showing incorrect status. Its hard to pin them down too since they do eventually go away (I assume there is a timeout on the backend but can’t really tell since we can’t see live status progress). Its even further to narrow down since you have to remember to go check the device multiple times to remember what mode it is in each time to see if it is truly not sending data back.

I think the command queue reporting feature would have greatly assisted with this but I see that idea has been pushed back further.

I view automox in its current form alot like SCCM, where you setup a policy/script and then you hope it applies but you really can’t tell in realtime what its doing. I know there are plans to address some of that and I am content to wait it out but it is an annoyance since it could be so much better.

Updated info on the agents on checking in issue. We do have a root cause for this one, and should have a fix out (hopefully) in the next version of the agent (not the one that came out today, the next one). It will be at least a month until that happens, given our current engineering schedule. In the meantime, support can help you get those statuses unstuck as needed if it’s happening to you and they don’t come unstuck on their own.

One point I missed responding to was around the ability to manually kick off a scan when you’re on a device page. There’s a Scan Device button in the upper right of that page, and that will force an immediate rescan rather than having to wait for the next group window. It’s also useful for testing the Evaluation portion of your worklets, as that code gets run when a device gets scanned.
