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Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere, I’m just getting some help with running the community. @Brittany joins us from Spiceworks, where I worked with her previously. She’s going to be another person besides me that you can reach out to for assistance with anything related to the community. I’ll let her do the rest of her intro in the reply below.

Thanks for the warm welcome!

As Nic said, I’m Brittany and I worked for almost 7 years at Spiceworks. You may recognize me by my multiple Green Guy accounts in the Spiceworks Community, regularly spiced up with various League of Legends or Pokemon avatars.

A little bit about myself:

  • I started roller skating in July and am still not very good (but I’ll get there!)

  • I used to spend a ton of time baking, but now that I can’t take baked goods into the office, I spend a lot less time baking

  • One of my favorite movies of all time is Back to the Future: Part II

  • I spend a lot of time playing League of Legends

  • I have two cats, a grey and white one named Marty and a black tripod one named Teemo

I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you as I ramp up into the Automox Community. And as a little intro, tell me a bit about yourself!

Guys, don’t trust “her” she’s not actually a person, she’s a yellow fruit.


“Brittany” has also pushed me out of several trees and she puts empty milk containers in the fridge.

Brittany, wtf are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be on hiatus because you rolled your ankle running over dimforest on your skates??

Community management waits for no sprained ankle.

I wonder if we can gather enough peer pressure for that Vaporeon tattoo… Welcome @Brittany!!!

Welcome, good luck with those goofy colleagues 😬😬

Thanks! I’m already enjoying it, at least so far 🙂