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We're hiring!

  • 20 January 2020
  • 22 replies

A couple new job postings this week:

We’re looking for a director of customer support, a BI person, and a customer success manager. If you’d like to work here, or know someone who might be a good fit, send them our way!

And a couple more new ones live today: Events Manager and an Integrated Marketing Manager.

If you are in need of an office cowboy, let me know. Or if you need somebody to come in and professionally eat beef jerky.

Surprisingly enough we do have a beef jerky eating position, but it’s already been filled a while ago by @Richard

I can assure you I am a far superior jerky eater and I am willing to provide sources.

We can have a jerky eating contest between you two at SpiceWorld and the winner gets the job.


As a startup, we really need people that are agile and comfortable wearing multiple hats. How are you with turkey jerky? Elk? Buffalo?

Jerky has been and will always be my favorite thing in existence. Fun fact, my dad didn’t give me teething rings, he gave me jerky. More fun: I probably eat about a pound per week of jerky in some form. Funnest: I’ve had just about every type of jerky out there that I’ve come across. I also try a ton of new stuff online.


Kangaroo jerky?

Yep 😛

Ok I wrote up job description:

Office Jerky Eater


Automox is seeking a seasoned jerky fanatic. If you’re passionate about beef, turkey, elk, buffalo and kangaroo jerky, we’d love to speak with you. This highly visible and impactful position requires a solid understanding of competitive eating. In this role, you will work with customers, sales, product management, and other stakeholders to develop compelling jerky eating moments.


  • Eating mass quantities

  • 6+ years of jerky experience.

  • Must thrive operating in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial, and hungry environment.

  • A collaborative and team-oriented attitude that allows you to work effectively with customer success, sales/marketing, and other product team members globally.

  • Outstanding dining and interpersonal communication skills.

  • Ability to prioritize and complete multiple jerky eating sessions with little to no supervision.

  • Intellectual curiosity, humility, accountability, and positive approach to jerky.


All the jerky you can eat!

Not sure if I can support this new hiring direction.

And they said the perfect job didn’t exist… cries

I’m updating my resume right now and preparing to send it in.

I hope it is just a scanned empty jerky package.

It is, and the funny thing is that’s what he sends in for all his job applications, not just jerky positions.

I do it in hopes that one of them will refill it and return it to me.

Another new job posted;

Let me know when you’re hiring for Workplace Idiot or Guy Who Posts Memes All Day.

Dude, that’s my job!

Hmmm good point LOL

If you or anyone you know has been impacted recently, we’re going full steam ahead on hiring and we’re 100% remote friendly so you can work from anywhere: