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Hi all,

I have a desktop PC on which we installed Ubuntu server edition. I’ve just downloaded and installed the Automox agent, but in the console it says there is not enough disk space left.

Since usually we have a dedicated guy for Linux stuff, I am not really familiar with this OS, but the guy broke his leg and now I had to take over.

So I am asking for a little bit of guidance of how to troubleshoot this issue. When I run “df -h” it tells me the following:


for me it looks like there is enough space? I am not exactly sure how to go from here, so any advice is greatly appreciated!

Many thanks!

That message is just a warning and you can safely ignore it. As long as there’s room on the server to download and install the patches then it will be just fine.

The /snap partitions are mounts to image files. They represent each software installed using the snapd service. They will always show 100% in use. You can safely ignore these warnings.
