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Swag ideas?

  • 31 January 2020
  • 34 replies

With the new year and new budgets comes the opportunity to come up with new and fun Automox swag. Do you have any requests for either the types of items or what we put on them?

We have a couple ideas too, that we’d like your feedback on:

  1. Sticker that says “I survived CVE-2020-_____” where you can write in the CVE #

  2. Shirt idea: “It’s 2am, do you know where your servers are?” with maybe a pictures of some computers carousing and refusing to go home and apply their patches


and dim needs a new hat

What about baseball caps or beanies? Is that something you’d wear?

Personally no, that might be a geographic issue, being situated in a mild, wet climate.

I’d wear a baseball cap if you can find one big enough to fit my giant cranium. I wear a 7 3/4 hat size.

If not I’ll just cry myself to sleep on my enormous pillow.

I feel your pain - I’m like an 8 hat size.


dim needs a new youthsized hat

dim has a head built with efficiency in mind

dim has the next evolutionary step of heads

dim has the ultrabook of heads and everybody else has a chunkbook from 2003

I’ve got a dome like an overfunded hadoop cluster.

So, slow?

