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NOTE: If you are an AX employee please do not take this test, for customers only!

I’d love for you to take this quick 2 minute usability test around the dashboard.

<< It is not the final visuals >>

Thank you!

I’m glad it’s not the final version. I found it cluttered and confusing.

Same, very cluttered… my brain immediately felt overloaded with information / text. I think the biggest offender is the size 72 icons

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback! Would you be interested in chatting a bit to provide more suggestions? Let me know!

I’d love to learn more about what you would be interested in seeing - would you be interested in sending me that info or setting up a chat?

Hi Ariel

One of reasons we selected Automox was the uncluttered appearance throughout. You don’t need fighter pilot training to navigate and accomplish tasks. Some of the options on the proposed layout looked like duplication at first glance.

Personally, I find the middle three icons on the current dashboard (Scheduled Updates, Center Circle, & Needs Attention) as the most useful for first glance. I can drill down in them for more detail. I also like the session icons on the left for the same reason.

Maybe if you wanted more on the dashboard, a second row of a limited number would fit my vision nicely. The content to be determined, maybe a community poll. I would a recently released list of critical/high patches count. Then a drill down to the software page sorted by days exposed and devices impacted, but that’s just me.

Hope this helps.



One of reasons we selected Automox was the uncluttered appearance throughout. You don’t need fighter pilot training to navigate and accomplish tasks. Some of the options on the proposed layout looked like duplication at first glance.

I definitely agree with this, and echo the sentiment of part of why we also made a change to Automox. I felt like there were a lot of options at the top with the large icons that go to the same place, and overall, it feels less intuitive than the current Overview/landing page with the navigation icons along the left pane.

I do like the ‘quick links’ that were shown at the bottom to go directly to certain pages that currently take multiple clicks to get to, but also agree that could be put underneath what is currently considered the dashboard.
