Might be easier to update the DNS records TTL to five seconds so clients have to reach out. Then after cut-over re-adjust to something more appropriate.
Dropping this in a worklet would enable a task to flush dns every minute (lowest time interval accepted) for one hour.
$TaskStartTime = datetime]::Now.AddSeconds(10)
$SchedService = New-Object -ComObject Schedule.Service
$Task = $SchedService.NewTask(0)
$Task.RegistrationInfo.Description = 'Flush DNS'
$Task.Settings.Enabled = $true
$Task.Settings.AllowDemandStart = $true
$Task.Settings.WakeToRun = $true
$trigger = $Task.triggers.Create(1) # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/taskschd/triggercollection-create
$trigger.StartBoundary = $TaskStartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
$trigger.Repetition.Duration = "PT1H" # do this for 1 hour
$trigger.Repetition.Interval = "PT1M" # every 1 minute
$trigger.Enabled = $true
$action = $Task.Actions.Create(0)
$action.Path = "ipconfig"
$action.Arguments = "/flushdns"
$taskFolder = $SchedService.GetFolder('\')
$taskFolder.RegisterTaskDefinition("Flush-DNS", $Task , 6, 'SYSTEM', $null, 4) | out-null