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I’m trying to install Microsoft PowerBI but I am running into a wall. I am doing it through the “Required Software” option for installing programs. I am using the following powershell to install it:

msiexec.exe /i "\\xxxxx\xxxxxx\Install Files\Power BI Desktop\PBIDesktopRS_x64.msi" /quiet ACCEPT_EULA=1


This exact powershell line works outside of automox and I can’t understand why it’s not working within the console. For added confusion, Automox say that it was successfully installed on the target computer but when I look at the programs installed on it that is not the case.


Any direction would be greatly appreciated!

Hi aparker,

It appears you are trying to kick off the install from a network location.

It will be worth trying a copy-item command and then attempting install to help identify where its failing exactly.

Put a command like this in to handle the copy, and then try to install and we’ll see if that provides any more detail:

Copy-Item -Path //network/location/PBIDesktopRS_x64.msi -Destination c:/temp/PBIDesktopRS_x64.msi -Force


Additionally, I would revise the install command, just changing the format a little bit:
exit (Start-Process -FilePath 'msiexec.exe' -ArgumentList ('/qn', '/i', '"PBIDesktopRS_x64.msi", “ACCEPT_EULA=1”') -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode

Thanks for the info!  That worked.
