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How did you hear about Automox?

In my case I heard about it from my good friend @Richard, who I met through the Spiceworks community and then worked with at Webroot. He told me about this great startup in Boulder, then later told me he’d joined them.

How’d you hear about us?

Spiceworks Community!

Some jackwagons named @Nic and @dimforest . Weirdos…

Edit: I really just wanted to get my tags in. 😛

Hey, I resemble that remark 🙂

@nick told me about it when he abandoned us at our last gig.

Spiceworks Community, and some guy named “Nic”. I wonder who that could be… 😛

Spiceworks, Discord and Nic

I actually came across Automox while searching Reddit. I noticed some people mentioned they liked Automox for patch management, so I took a look.

Welcome @Chris! That’s good to hear that folks are mentioning us positively on Reddit. Do you remember which reddit discussion or subreddit that was in?

I believe it was both /msp and /sysadmin.

My company is a managed service provider, and we were looking for a solution that could work across our diverse set of customers (each with unique requirements).

Was sick of dealing with Shavlik and their horrible tech support. Went online looking for a hosted patching solution. Signed up back in January of 2018 and have been happy ever since. It’s been great not only being a customer but seeing the product continue to grow and improve. Keep up the great work!