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Complimentary Expo Pass to RSA for Automox Community members

  • 21 January 2020
  • 13 replies

If you’re in the area during RSA and want to visit, you can get a free Expo Pass using the code XE0UAUTOMO

To register, go here:

Select Expo and then enter the code.

We’re at booth #5467, so stop by and say hello!

For additional enticement, we’re giving out Automox chapstick 🙂

I trust that chapstick is patched and up to date?


You forgot to mention the all-important safety seal!

And the asset inventory down the side.

Bumping this topic to remind everyone that we’re at RSA this week, and we’d love you to come stop by our booth! We’re at booth 5467 and we’ll have all the chapstick you can fit in your pockets.

Can confirm. If my bag of chapstick doesn’t get searched, someone isn’t doing their job right.

Wow, that’s big news!

One of my colleagues brought back this shirt from RSA and I’m crazy jealous:

That’s an awesome shirt! I want one.

Me too! I tried asking them on the Intercom widget on their website, but they just have a bot staffing it. I’m going to try Twitter next.

good luck!
