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What’s the best way to get email alerts sent to a non user address? I’d like to send patch failures to our helpdesk. Should I just set up a user account for this task? Thanks

Yep that’s the best way of doing things. Either put in the helpdesk email, or create an email address just for Automox that forwards to the helpdesk email. The one thing you’ll have to look out for is the occasional email send that goes out to all users, such as when there’s a new vulnerability with a Critical CVE score. Although you might want those creating a ticket anyway, to alert you of a new critical patch that needs to be evaluated and pushed out. You can have as many admins in the Automox console as you like, so you don’t have to worry about running out if you make one for the helpdesk.

Hi Nic, that’s excellent, thanks very much!

I spoke too soon. Unfortunately, Zendesk is flagging the emails from Automox as spam and marking them as suspended tickets. These emails are sent to our support address which then get forwarded on to Zendesk, so I’m not sure why they are getting rejected. Does anyone here use Automox and Zendesk in this way?

Looks like Zendesk has allow and block lists, so you should be able to add the email address that the notifications come from to the approved list:

btw, the email address the notification emails come from is in case you don’t have one of those handy.

Thanks for your help on this Nic. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to prevent Zendesk’s strict spam filters from stopping the notifications or suspending the messages. I’d love to know if anyone else from the Automox community is using Zendesk in this way though. We are moving to Jira slowly, so I may look at trying to get notifications working with that platform instead.

That’s too bad that you aren’t able to whitelist it. Did Zendesk’s support confirm that this wasn’t possible?

Another approach might be filtering it through something like Zapier. The email could be sent to a Zap that then sends an email to Zendesk that it would be more happy with.
