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Bug Fixes :

  • Exit code 3010 will no longer display in the Activity Report after a successful patch deployment. (6/9)

  • The Nfs-Settings Worklet will no longer show as supported for Windows. (6/9)

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Needs Attention status to not display properly on the Devices page when a policy ran. (6/9)

  • Fixed a bug where FileZilla fails to update when the app is open or in a running state. (6/10)

  • Invalid Slack hooks will no longer prevent adding/deleting devices. (6/11)

Enhancements :

  • The Devices page includes two new filters: SEVERITY and VULNERABILITY OR CVE ID. This allows you to find Devices that have packages scheduled to be installed that address vulnerabilities with a specific severity or address a known CVE or other Vulnerability. (6/9)

  • Added a new bulk API for ‘Use Global Settings’ on multiple packages for a device. (6/12)

Automox Agent :

  • Agent 29 available for new installs. (6/9)

  • Automatic upgrades temporarily disabled (to be enabled 6/16).

This release will add the following features and fixes:

  • Improved proxy configuration

  • Stuck agent improvements

  • Support for new versions of Linux

  • Various bug fixes

For more details on the upcoming release, please visit this topic on the Automox community.

If you need the upgrade date to be postponed for your organization for any reason, please contact support by replying to this message or emailing