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Morning, y’all - Chad here…Happy Almost Migration Day! We’re moving to the new platform this week, and going read-only on Discourse today. We’ll have some details coming to everyone in an email tomorrow, but as with any technology, moving to a new platform has caused some shoelaces to come untied and more than a couple of snowman’s hats have been blown off, technically-speaking. It’s all good, but bear with us while we spin up.

Moving from an open-source platform to something like what we’ve got now - with analytics, integrations, gamification, etc - is like going from a golf cart to a dadgummed '91 IROC, with the T-tops. We’re really excited for what’s to come, but it will be a bit of an ongoing process, as we continue to tweak the design, functionalities, and content. And that’s where you come in…

This is still your Community, and if something doesn’t work as well as it used to (or simply doesn’t work), please let us know! With the holiday next week, things will be pretty chill for most of us here in the States, so it ends up being pretty good timing for the big move, if you ask me. Still, let us know - we’ll pull the trigger this week, and if anything’s just broken beyond working, we’ll get with the vendor for a fix (luckily, they’ll be available all next week) .

Again, this is a great thing for the future and growth of the AX Community, but with any big move comes some growing pains, boxes you forgot, etc. So - I hope you enjoy the new platform…just keep in mind that these first few days will have some wrinkles, but we’re here to help, and we’re not even traveling for the holidays or anything! And don’t forget, you can always jump on the Community Slack, or email us at